Monday 18 June 2007

The world is full of (different) bugzillas....

... but the KDE's wins the strangeness award so far...
>>> import urllib2
>>> opener = urllib2.build_opener()
>>> f ="")
>>> print


<h1>Page not found</h1>

<p>KDE has switched to bugzilla. Please go to the <a href="/">main page</a>
to search for your bug.</p>


>>> opener.addheaders = [("User-agent", "bzutils")]
>>> f ="")
>>> print


<h1>KDE Bug Tracking System</h1>
<p>This is KDE's bug tracking system which files details of wishes, bugs and crashes
reported by users and developers.  Each report is given a number, and is kept on file until it is
marked as having been dealt with. For participating you need a personal account which will gain
you the ability to post reports and comments as well as voting for specific reports and observe
development. You'll need to enable cookies for this site for staying logged in.</p>
Questions: 1) Why does kde bugzilla require user-agent to work? 2) Why it doesn't return something more descriptive?

1 comment:

Ian Monroe said...

I dunno why.

But it is true that bugzilla is entirely computer-readable, given that kbugbuster exists.